Category: Treatment Package(Buy 10 free 3)
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is using acupuncture and moxibustion to reduce swelling, firm and tighten our skin, and regulate Qi and blood to anti-aging. It enhances radiance of complexion rejuvenation for skin, reduce stress, promote overall health & well-being diminish fine lines & wrinkles, age spots, decrease dark circles/bags, increases moisture decrease puffiness of entire face, increases in facial muscle tone balances hormones, clears acne, and tightens pores.
Principle Introduction:
Stimulate specific acupoints with acupuncture, to accelerate blood circulation, promote human metabolism, regulate visceral qi, blood, yin and yang to eliminate wrinkles, lighten spots and tighten skin, etc.Benefit:
- It is suitable for a wide range of diseases, including acne removal, spot reduction, skin tightening, face modification, etc.
- No or few side effects, basically reliable and safe.
- Natural and not using any drug
- Short recovery time, maybe some bleeding at acupoints, but it will recover in a week
- Excessive hunger, fatigue, mental stress and other people are not suitable
- Pregnant women should not use acupuncture to lose weight
- Not suitable for people with severe skin problems or skin ulcer infections
- People with spontaneous bleeding are not suitable for acupuncture
Facial Gua Sha is a natural treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, scrape the face at specific facial acupoints and meridians with scraping board , to promote Qi and blood circulation, tightens pores, detoxify and beauty.
Principle Introduction:
- Facilitate blood circulation and relax muscles through facial scraping,and decrease puffiness of entire face
- Improve facial blood circulation, accelerate cell metabolism, improve facial yellowness and chloasma
- After facial scraping , complexion slightly reddened which can achieve detoxification.
- No or few side effects, basically reliable and safe.
- Suitable for daily facial care
- Improve some facial problems such as
Suitable for everyoneContraindications:
- Skin diseases caused by bacterial infection or others infection
- People who have skin allergy reactions
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